
For help with any mental health, substance use or emotional concern, call Colorado Crisis Services at 844- 493-TALK (8255), or text TALK to 38255. Trained professionals provide free, immediate, and confidential help, 24/7/365.

Colorado Fentanyl Education Handouts

These links allow you to download the fentanyl education handouts that summarize the main points in each section of the course. The handouts were created by the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration and contain reliable information and internet addresses where you can get help.

Meet Fentanyl

Lower Your Risk

Fentanyl Laws in Colorado

Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Safety Resources

These links connect you to various resources that specialize in reducing harm and death related to substance use. They offer information on how to be safer and lower your risk if you are still using, and some connect you to needle exchange sites and places where you can get the lifesaving medication naloxone.

OpiRescue Website & App

Stop the Clock Colorado Naloxone Availability Map

Colorado’s Bring Naloxone Home Campaign

Find a Colorado Syringe Access Program

CDC Stop Overdose: Fentanyl Testing Strips

Colorado Health Network Syringe Access Program

National Harm Reduction Coalition

Harm Reduction Action Center

Treatment Resources

The first two links connect you with information to help you recognize and deal with addiction. The rest take you to websites that provide direct contact information (names, phone numbers, and addresses) for various treatment and recovery services.

CDC Treatment and Recovery Information

CDC What is Opioid Use Disorder?

Colorado Mobile Health Services

Contact Information for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) in Colorado

SAMHSA Find a Buprenorphrine Provider in Colorado

SAMHSA Find an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)

SAMHSA Substance and Mental Health Treatment Finder

SAMHSA Find Treatment by Zip Code

Find Treatment

Sober Living and Recovery Housing Resources

These links connect you to organizations that specialize in finding safe living and supportive places for people in recovery.

Colorado Association for Recovery Residences

Chartered Oxford Houses

Advocates for Recovery